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Our ministry is dedicated to reaching this generation and making disciples reach Bulgaria with the Gospel.
We cannot accomplish this task alone. We are asking you to be part of our Evangelism, Church planting, Discipleship, and Pastor caring ministry.
We need support for the ministry, materials, tools, and the expenses needed. Any prayer and financial support are greatly appreciated!

Through PayPal:
Fast, easy and safe transfers from Debit card, Credit card or your PayPal account.
Alpha Foundation is our Outreach ministry.

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Bible Fellowship Church of Newark
All contributions are tax deductible for USA

Through Check:
1. Please make checks payable to: “Bible Fellowship Church of Newark
2. Include a separate note to indicate the support is for Tateos (do not write my name on the check).
3. Mail checks to: Bible Fellowship Church of Newark,
Attn: Contributions,
808 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702
(Indicate that your support is for Tateos Nigohosyan)

Online and other methods through BFCN:
For alternate giving methods please visit:
(Indicate that your support is for Tateos Nigohosyan)


Bank transfer to:
Beneficiary name: Tateos Nigohosyan
IBAN: LT79 3250 0973 9923 3866
Bank name and address:
For US /USD: Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB), 99 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA
For UK /GBP: REVOLUT LTD, 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 4HD
For EU /EUR: REVOLUT PAYMENTS UAB, Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, LT-08130, Lithuania

Bank transfer to: Raiffeisen Bank
Beneficiary name: Tateos Harutyun Nigohosyan 
IBAN: BG51RZBB91554045165904  
Address: Bulgaria, Sofia, 55 Nikola Vaptzarov Blvd, EXPO 2000